Unfortunately by the time you are reading this, the exhibition will be over! Ah well. Due to other commitments both professional and personal I have not managed to get this post published in a timely manner. Never mind. It was a lovely little exhibition held by the City of Glen Eira as part of, Read More
Can you hear it? Listen for it, after Marion’s laugh. It is the unique sound of beautiful sequinned lace, rustling as it moves, almost like soft rain on a tin roof. It is a sound that Marion Boyce, award winning Costume designer of crime series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and feature film The Dressmaker is, Read More
Over the last two years Jo Jenkinson has quietly but doggedly worked away on her new book ‘The Lure of The Beach’ a history of sea bathing in Brighton. Published with the aid of a Local History Grant from The Victorian State Government, it relates stories including the days of the early horse drawn, Read More
Finding exactly the right words to express my thoughts is something that I’m working on. Part of the reason I’m sitting here tap tapping away. I get bowled over on occasion by the eloquence and insightfulness that can flow out of the mouths and minds of others. So in light of that I thought I’d, Read More
It’s Terminology Tuesday today, a good day for a little bit of mouth bling, “Grills, golds and fronts” “Metal removable jewellery worn over the front teeth, a style that originated with those participating in Hip Hop culture in the 1980’s and has continued.” definition from: The Fairchilds Books Dictionairy of Fashion by Phyllis G, Read More
OK! I admit it…. this is a thinly disguised excuse to share this knitting pattern with you!!!! Oh how I laughed when I found this one! But as the saying goes…. things come around. Perhaps I’ll be seen sporting a pair of these some time soon?? Ok, not likely… It’s Terminology Tuesday again and, Read More
Whoa!!!! I’m getting ahead of myself this week! It’s only Autumn but I get so excited when I see something that twigs my hopelessly romantic imagination. So prepare for a little winter treat…. It’s Terminology Tuesday again and this week in the spotlight is… Après Ski… “A French term pronounced ah-pray’ meaning “After Skiing., Read More
It’s Terminology Tuesday (well actually it’s Wednesday! sorry.) again and this week in the spotlight is… Buskins… Or are they? You know this is what I find so fascinating about concepts of fashion and image. Firstly, in fashion circles each season we see another round of the “new look”. But of course hardly anything, Read More
It’s Terminology Tuesday again and this week in the spotlight is… the Annette Kellerman swimsuit… You might have heard of her? Hopefully you have. I definitely had but was still amazed to learn of the extent of the influence she had on the lives we now live. Annette Kellerman (originally Kellermann), (1887 – 1975) was, Read More