StyleLikeU is my favourite place to hang out. Time spent online is precious for me. It’s busy juggling all of life’s commitments.
But this is a place that opens its heart and arms, welcomes you in and gives you a virtual hug. All the people featured here are amazing, all striding their own path and tackling each obstacle with dignity. It embraces people, all kinds of people. Gives them a voice and celebrates their uniqueness. It’s my favorite place to be.
And now…. they want to make a film!!!!
To travel far and beyond and bring StyleLikeU to more people.
Whoo hoo! I wish you every success from the bottom of my heart Elisa and Lily. You two rock!
So if you ever wanted to feel more comfortable in your own skin, or change the world for future generations here is your little chance to contribute. I have. Go for it!