It’s Terminology Tuesday again and this week in the spotlight is… Gaiters, Spats and Spatterdashes! Check out these! Aren’t they just gorgeous! It’s a crying shame that Les Frivolites appears to have stopped making them. Perhaps someone knows more? I so badly want some. Might need to get handy with my leather stock. photo, Read More

Slithering snakes can inspire such fear, yet up close there is so much beauty in the way the scales and colour variations meld together. I love this wall, to me it speaks of reptilian inspiration, which I love in the built environment. So this is a take, on a take if you like. Best, Read More

For the next in my series of colour inspirations, I wanted to choose something quite different, something bold, bright and energetic. So best on… Cool Winter (cool and clear) Deep Winter (cool, clear and dark) Clear Winter (cool, clear and bright) Clear Spring (warm, clear and bright. Color by COLOURlovers Sadly with the demise, Read More

Do you know your Derby’s from your Oxfords? Or you Boater from your Breton? Or in fact your plaid from your tartan? There is so much fashion terminology that we hear bandied about and it can get quite befuddling. In the interest of…………….. well… interest, and clarity in moments of discourse regarding costume, I hereby, Read More

I grew up on a TV diet of “Countdown”, “FAME” and “The Muppet’s”. Yep! Says it all really. Oh, also David Attenborough and Harry Butler. It all comes together in the long run. Nature, Biology, Costume, pop culture…. love it. The Muppet’s have stood the test of time. Even my technology savvy children love, Read More

  Geoffrey Rush is an actor with a thorough grounding in the art of theatre making. He has clowned, acted, directed and written for more than forty years. Featured on stage and screen, here and abroad, he has created legions of diverse characters and memorable film moments. In the process he has received many, Read More

Ladies Day at the Races 1976. Just found this on the Victorian Arts Centre’s, Performing Arts Collection blog. What’s not to love about the Dame? Though I think she could have found a bigger hat. Bella

Book Description (from Publisher Harper Collins) “Coming at a time when the global financial crisis and contracting of consumer spending is ushering in a new epoch for the fashion industry, TO DIE FOR offers a very plausible vision of how green could really be the new black. Taking particular issue with our current mania, Read More

Culture: Stories of dress and cultural context Ah… the Bohemian, a romantic image that conjures ideas of art, creativity, free thinking, adventure and excitement. The notion of a kind of life that is lived fully, to the hearts desire, no matter the consequences. I adore the idea of this life, yet my innate practicality, Read More