Behind Clothe

My life long interest in culture, adornment, communication and humanity has led me into design, manufacture, sales, management and preservation of theatrical costume, properties, footwear, accessories, historic clothing, image consulting, personal and interior styling.

It has honed my skills in communication, comprehension of complex issues, problem identification and solution finding, program and product design, management and delivery.

I have had the pleasure and honour of being privy to clients inner frailties and aspirations, and the responsibility of responding in accordance with their needs for guidance. I never cease to appreciate the complexity of human nature and society and it provides me with ongoing fascination and purpose in my professional and personal endeavours.

I have a deep and particular appreciation for the complexity of the language of clothing, and the role personal choice makes in the lives of individuals but also society, commerce, history and therefore the future.

I am an advocate for deeper understanding of the role of clothing in peoples lives in the interest of more inclusive, benevolent and connected communities, and increased global responsibility for reducing negative environmental and human impacts of our adornment behaviours.

Through Clothe and on this website you will find projects and reflections of a personal and professional nature on the deep connections between adornment, psychology and society.

One part of my complex life,

